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Anger Management

Do you suffer from anger issues and is it affecting your personal and work life?

Anger is a normal and adaptive response to threat. It is a healthy human emotion that can vary in intensity from mild irritation to intense rage. Anger is important because it can help us to confront people or situations and work through difficult life circumstances. It is often accompanied by both physiological and biological changes including increased heart rate and blood pressure. A certain amount of anger is necessary however when it escalates to a point where it becomes aggressive and destructive in nature this can lead to problems at work and at home.

Unexpressed anger can also create problems and can result in passive-aggressive behavior which is ultimately hostile. If you feel that you have difficulty managing your anger or have a low tolerance for frustration then you may need help finding better ways to deal with this emotion.

How can counseling help?


Counselling can help you identifying the specific triggers that make you angry as well as escalate your anger. Once these triggers are identified you can learn strategies to help you manage your anger. You will also learn to recognize the thought patterns that perpetuate your anger and develop ways to challenge this. Other strategies may include developing healthier problem solving abilities, learning to communicate better, humor and assertiveness training. By increasing self-awareness and changing the way you look at the world you will learn how to control your anger and create a healthy environment for yourself and others.